
Class Name Claims
Extends Logger
Source claims.ts
Tests claims.spec.ts

The Claims module allows to

  • issue claims about oneself or about other parties
  • confirm or delete claims about oneself

Claims have a pattern similar to file paths, a claim for an account called “foo” being an employee of a company called “bar” may look like this:


Under this “path” a set of values can be found. These value describe the claim, the subject of the claim and optional its response to it. Basically an issuer creates a claim about a subject The values are:

  • claim (name) full path to a claim, for example /company/bar/employee/foo, settable by the subject of the parent claim /company/bar/employee
  • subject an account, a claim has been issued for, can be a group/wallet or an externally owned account being the subject of a claim basically means to be the owner of the claim and allows to create subclaims below the own claim path
  • issuer an account (group/wallet or externally owned) that creates a claim, to be able to issue a claim, the issuer has to be the subject of the parent claim /company/bar/employee
  • data The hash of the claim data, sitting in another location, a bit-mask, call data, or actual data based on the claim scheme.
  • uri The location of the claim, this can be HTTP links, swarm hashes, IPFS hashes, and such.
  • status this represents a claims status, values are uint8 range from 0 to 255, the currently used values are: - 0: Issued - 1: Confirmed
  • signature Signature which is the proof that the claim issuer issued a claim of topic for this identity. It MUST be a signed message of the following structure: keccak256(address identityHolder_address, uint256 _ topic, bytes data)
  • creationDate creationDate of the claim
  • id id of the current claim
  • valid check if the claim has a valid signature


new Claims(options);

Creates a new Claims instance.

Note, that the option properties registry and resolver are optional but should be provided in most cases. As the module allows to create an own ENS structure, that includes an own ENS registry and an own default resolver for it, setting them beforehand is optional.


  1. options - ClaimsOptions: options for Claims constructor.


Claims instance


const claims = new Claims({
  storage: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',

= Issuers =


claims.createIdentity(accountId[, contractId]);

Creates a new identity for account or contract and registers them on the storage. Returned identity is either a 40B contract address (for account identities) or a 32B idenity hash contract identities.


  1. accountId - string: the account identifier


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const identity = await claims.createIdentity(accounts[0]);



Checks if a account has already an identity contract.


  1. subject - string: target subject to check


Promise returns boolean: true if identity exists, otherwise false


console.log(await claims.identityAvailable(accounts[0]);
// Output:
// false

await  await claims.createIdentity(accounts[0]);

console.log(await claims.identityAvailable(accounts[0]);
// Output:
// true



Gets the identity contract for a given account id or contract.


  1. subject - string: target subject to get identity for


Promise returns any: identity contract instance


const identityContract = await claims.getIdentityForAccount(accounts[0]);


claims.setClaim(issuer, subject, claimName[, expirationDate, claimValue, descriptionDomain]);

Sets or creates a claim; this requires the issuer to have permissions for the parent claim (if claim name seen as a path, the parent ‘folder’).


  1. issuer - string: issuer of the claim
  2. subject - string: subject of the claim and the owner of the claim node
  3. claimName - string: name of the claim (full path)
  4. expirationDate - number (optional): expiration date, for the claim, defaults to 0 (does not expire)
  5. claimValue - string (optional): bytes32 hash of the claims value, will not be set if omitted
  6. descriptionDomain - string (optional): domain of the claim, this is a subdomain under ‘claims.evan’, so passing ‘example’ will link claims description to ‘’, unset if omitted


Promise returns string: id of new claim


// accounts[0] issues claim '/company' for accounts[1]
const firstClaim = await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company');

// accounts[0] issues claim '/company' for accounts[1], sets an expiration date
// and links to description domain 'sample'
const secondClaim = await claims.setClaim(
  accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company', expirationDate, claimValue, 'example');


claims.getClaims(subject, claimName[, isIdentity]);

Gets claim information for a claim name from a given account; results has the following properties: creationBlock, creationDate, data, description, expirationDate, id, issuer, name, signature, status, subject, topic, uri, valid.


  1. subject - string: subject of the claims
  2. claimName - string: name (/path) of a claim
  3. isIdentity - string (optional): indicates if the subject is already an identity


Promise returns any[]: claim info array, contains: issuer, name, status, subject, data, uri, signature, creationDate


await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company');
console.dir(await claims.getClaims(accounts[1], '/company'));
// Output:
  creationDate: 1234567890,
  data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  description: {
    name: 'sample claim',
    description: 'I\'m a sample claim',
    author: '',
    version: '1.0.0',
    dbcpVersion: 1,
  expirationDate: 1234567890,
  id: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  issuer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
  name: '/company',
  rejectReason: {
    "rejected": "rejection message"
  signature: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  status: 0 (Issued) || 1 (Confirmed) || 2 (Rejected),
  subject: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
  uri: '',
  signature: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  valid: true



checks if a account has already a identity contract


  1. subject - string: subject of the claims


Promise returns any: true if identity exists, otherwise false


console.dir(await claims.identityAvailable(accounts[1]));
// Output:


claims.validateClaim(subject, claimId[, isIdentity]);

validates a given claimId in case of integrity


  1. subject - string: subject of the claims
  2. claimId - string: The claim identifier
  3. isIdentity - boolean (optional): indicates if the subject is already an identity, defaults to false


Promise returns boolean: resolves with true if the claim is valid, otherwise false


console.dir(await claims.validateClaim(
// Output:


claims.validateClaimTree(subject, claimLabel, treeArr);

validates a whole claim tree if the path is valid (called recursively)


  1. subject - string: subject of the claims
  2. claimLabel - string: claim topic of a claim to build the tree for
  3. treeArr - array (optional): result tree array, used for recursion, defaults to []


Promise returns any[]: Array with all resolved claims for the tree


console.dir(await claims.validateClaimTree(accounts[1], '/company/test/foo'));
// Output:
[{ issuer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
  name: '/company/test/foo',
  status: 1
  subject: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
  data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  uri: '',
  signature: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  creationDate: 1234567890,
  id: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  valid: true },
  { issuer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
  name: '/company/test',
  status: 1
  subject: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
  data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  uri: '',
  signature: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  creationDate: 1234567890,
  id: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  valid: true }]


claims.deleteClaim(accountId, subject, claimId);

Delete a claim. This requires the accountId to have permissions for the parent claim (if claim name seen as a path, the parent ‘folder’). Subjects of a claim may only delete it, if they are the issuer as well. If not, they can only react to it by confirming or rejecting the claim.


  1. accountid - string: account, that performs the action
  2. subject - string: the subject of the claim
  3. claimId - string: id of a claim to delete


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const claimId = await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company');
await claims.deleteClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], claimId);


claims.rejectClaim(accountId, subject, claimId, rejectReason?);

Reject a Claim. This claim will be marked as rejected but not deleted. This is important for tracking reasons. You can also optionally add a reject reason as JSON object to track additional informations about the rejection. Issuer and Subject can reject a special claim.


  1. accountid - string: account, that performs the action
  2. subject - string: the subject of the claim
  3. claimId - string: id of a claim to delete
  4. rejectReason - object (optional): JSON Object of the rejection reason


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const claimId = await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company');
await claims.rejectClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], claimId, { rejected: "because not valid anymore"});

= Subjects =


claims.confirmClaim(accountId, subject, claimId);

Confirms a claim; this can be done, if a claim has been issued for a subject and the subject wants to confirms it.


  1. accountId - string: account, that performs the action
  2. subject - string: claim subject
  3. claimId - string: id of a claim to confirm


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const newClaim = await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/company');
await claims.confirmClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], newClaim);

= Descriptions =


claims.setClaimDescription(accountId, topic, domain, description);

Set description for a claim under a domain owned by given account. This sets the description at the ENS endpoint for a claim.

Notice, that this will not insert a description at the claim itself. Consider it as setting a global registry with the description for your claims and not as a label attached to a single claim.

So a setting a description for the claim /some/claim the subdomain example registers this at the ENS path ${sha3(‘/some/claim’)}`.

When this description has been set, it can be used when setting claims, e.g. with

claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], '/some/claim', expirationDate, claimValue, 'example');

A description can be setup even after claims have been issued. So it is recommended to use the claim domain when setting up claims, even if the description isn’t required at the moment, when claims are set up.


  1. accountId - string: accountId, that performs the description update
  2. topic - string: name of the claim (full path) to set description
  3. domain - string: domain of the claim, this is a subdomain under ‘claims.evan’, so passing ‘example’ will link claims description to ‘’
  4. description - string: DBCP description of the claim; can be an Envelope but only public properties are used


Promise returns void: resolved when done


const sampleClaimsDomain = 'sample';
  const sampleClaimTopic = '/company';
  const sampleDescription = {
    name: 'sample claim',
    description: 'I\'m a sample claim',
    author: '',
    version: '1.0.0',
    dbcpVersion: 1,
await claims.setClaimDescription(accounts[0], sampleClaimTopic, sampleClaimsDomain, sampleDescription);
await claims.setClaim(accounts[0], accounts[1], sampleClaimTopic, null, null, sampleClaimsDomain);
const claimsForAccount = await claims.getClaims(accounts[1], sampleClaimTopic);
const last = claimsForAccount.length - 1;
// Output:
// {
//   name: 'sample claim',
//   description: 'I\'m a sample claim',
//   author: '',
//   version: '1.0.0',
//   dbcpVersion: 1,
// }

= Deployment =



Create a new claims structure; this includes a userregistry and the associated libraries. This isn’t required for creating a module instance, its is solely used for creating new structures on the blockchain.


  1. accountId - string: account, that execute the transaction and owner of the new registry


Promise returns any: object with property ‘storage’, that is a web3js contract instance


const claimsStructure = await claims.createStructure(accountId);
// Output:
// 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000a